Suzanne Himka, R.D. , C.S.C.S.
Registered Dietitian & Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist & Certified Ninja Coach
I have a passion for health and fitness and helping others reach their highest God-given potential. I love inspiring others to be their best!
I have competed in a variety of sports from competitive college gymnastics, varsity volleyball, track, tennis in high school to competitive bodybuilding, Miss Fitness America and an award winning television appearance on "American Gladiators" "NBC Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge" I have had the honor of winning the Wolfpack Ninja Tour as Amateur Female Champion, as well as the Colorado Ninja Challenge, and The Ninja Games Overall Female Champion. I recently won OCR World Championships in London, England in my age division as well as the 2021 OCR world champion in Stratton, Vermont. and FINA World Ninja Champion in the Masters Division. Known as the " Ninja Granny Beast" I seek to remain fit in a variety of sports as a grandma who loves to compete!
I have enjoyed twenty years of coaching recreational gymnastics, as well as coaching the A.L.L. TKD Demo Team for a World Winning Silver Medal Performance in Korea in 2011 and I am currently coachiing ninja classes at Lost Island Warrior in Colorado Springs as well as training a competitive team of over 40 athletes that travel the nation competing in ninja.