Suzanne Himka, R.D. C.S.C.S.
Address: P.O. Box 75082, Colorado Springs, CO 80970
Cell phone: 719-232-2049
Professional info
I am a Registered Dietitian and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with a passion for fitness and nutrition for women, children and families. I enjoy coaching a variety of sports, developing women's boot camps, and teaching health and physical education for a variety of ages. It is my desire to motivate individuals to be the best they can be for the Lord.
Work experience
Registered Dietitian
Certified Personal Trainer
CPR & AED Certification
Strength & Conditioning Specialist (NSCA CSCS)
Anatomy & Physiology, Health & Fitness & PE & Life Science Teacher
​2012 - present
I currently teach Nurtrition and Fitness to 2nd Grade through high school students, as well as life science to seventh grade students.The University School is is a three day a wekk private Christian for homeschoolers. These subjects are taught from a biblical perspective. I previously taught at Cornerstone Cottage School for two years teaching anatomy & physiology, chemisty, and physics and Nutrition to 7th to 12th graders.
Volleyball Coach & Team Building Director & Motiviational Speaker
​2012 - 2015
I have coached volleyball for high school students both mens and womens for Legacy Sports Volleyball League as well as cross country for elementary students. I functioned as the team building and community service director where we organize activities to reach out to the community such as serving in the homeless shelter, hiking mountains, helping in the local food banks. This helps athletes look beyond themselves to be better athletes from the inside out.
Gymnastics Instructor & Personal Trainer & Fit for a King Ninja Kids Owner
​1992 - present
I have coached gymnastics six hours a week for High Country Enrichment classes, ran a women's fitness boot camp called WOW FIT, and currently train clients and families in their homes. I have coached for three years the A.L.L. Taekwondo Demo Team World Silver Medal Winning Team in Korea by coaching them to break boards with acrobatic flips. Currently I started my own business and have constructed a Ninja Warrior style obstalcle course for kids where we teach nutrition and fitness to children ages 6 to 17.
Valparaiso University: Valparaiso, Indiana
I received a Bachelors of Science in Dietetics. Graduated Summe Cum Laude with Honors. GPA 3.94/4.00
Marywood University: Scranton, Pennsylvania
I took Master's classes and completed my internship in Dietetics to complete my Registered Dietitians license in 1993. GPA 3.83/4.00
Sports Experience
Black Belt in Taekwondo
American Gladiators Contender
Miss Fitness America Contestant
College Level Gymnastics
Gymnastics Coaching-20 years
​Triathlons-sprint distance
Martial Arts Competitions-World
Obstacle Course Racing-World
Varsity Volleyball
Volleyball Coaching
Varsity Tennis
Spartan Course Racing
Competitive Bodybuilding
Mud Runs, Color Runs, etc
American Ninja Warrior Tester
OCR World Champion
Ninja Wolfpack Tour Champion

2010 - present
2010 - present