USCO Ninja Kids is an after school kids program for children ages Pre-K through 5th grade (4-11) who want to do acrobatic and ninja type movement skills. This program includes PE style games, balance drills, upper body grip strength, gymnastics and parkour. We will base our activities on the weather. If its cold, we will do gymnastics in the Proverbs gym, if its nice we will be outside on the turf doing ninja obstacles and outdoor games. April is unpredictable so we will just adapt to the weather.
Dates: Wednesdays in April (April 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th)
Time: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm (After school on turf or in Proverbs gym depending on weather)
Cost: $50 first child, $45 second child, $40 third child. ONE CLA
Limited to 30 students
NOTE: You may sign up for one week at a time but cost will be $20 per class.
Location: USCO School Lawn or Gym (depends on weather temperature)
What skills will your child learn:
Acrobatic & gymnastics skills
Parkour movement (Jumping over things)
Teamwork Challenge drills
Interactive games
Balance drills
Better flexibility
Upper body strength & grip endurance
Core strength & Speed
Obstacle course racing on Ninja Style obstacles
Coached by Suzanne Himka, R.D, CSCS: Suzanne Himka has 25 years of experience in gymnastics competitions and coaching. She is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Coach and Registered Dietitian as well as an OCR World Champion competitor. She is World Level Black Belt Competitor in Taekwondo. She runs Ninja Kids Warrior Competitions & Summer Camps and has competed on American Gladiators, NBC Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge as well as an obstacle tester for American Ninja Warrior.