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Gymnastics Classes at The University School of Colorado Springs

We are excited to offer gymnastics classes at The University School for the month of April. We are doing this as a trial run to see if there is an interest for this at our school on a regular basis next year. Some of the proceeds go toward the new turf near the chapel. We will be running the classes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school. CLASSES BEGIN APRIL 5 & 6 in the PROVERBS GYM. 


TUESDAYS 4:00-4:45 pm

AGES: Pre-K to 3rd grade


This class is designed for boys and girls ages 4 to 8 who have never done gymnastics before. They will be taught how to do basic skills such as forward and backward rolls, handstands, spilts, as well as do fun fitness, coordination and balance skills. They will get opportunities to do the balance beam, and bar and mini trampoline.

COST FOR 4 WEEKS is $40. ( April 5, 12, 19, 26)


WEDNESDAY 4:00-5:00 pm

Ages: 3rd to 9th Grade


This class is being designed for ages 8 to 12 who have never done gymnastics before. They will be taught how to do basic skills such as forward and backward rolls, handstands, spilts, as well as do fun fitness, coordination and balance skills. They will get opportunities to do the balance beam, and bar and mini trampoline and basic parkour.

COST FOR 4 Weeks is $40. (April 6, 13, 20, 27)



4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

 Ages: 8 to 18

IThis class is designed for girls who are ages 8 and older who can already do a one arm cartwheel and have some gymnastics experience. They will work on back walkovers, front walkovers, backhandsprings, front handsprings, Mini tramp flips, tucks, aerial cartwheels. This class is on Wednesdays after the beginner class. Students can stay after school and help with beginners. I can give volunteer credit for this if needed. Limit of 15 students. GIRLS ONLY!

COST FOR 4 WEEKS is $40 ( April 6, 13, 20, 27)



5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Ages 9 to 18

This class is designed for guys only who want to learn how to to back flips and flips off walls, front flips and basic cool skills as well as learn to spot each other. We will be teaching proper back tucks, front tucks off of mini trampoline and spotting techniques as well as learning to flip off of each other. We will have lots of mats and optimum safety will be required. This class is on Tuesdays after the beginner class. Limit 15 students. GUYS ONLY! 

COST FOR 4 WEEKS is $40 (April 5, 12, 19, 26)


Suzanne Himka, RD, CSCS is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist who is also one of the PE instructors and life science teacher at The Univeristy School. She has over 25 years of gymnastics coaching experience and over 40 years experience as a gymnast. She has coached gymnastics for the World Taekwondo Demo team and has competed in college. She has competed in many sports and has a winning performance on "American Gladiators" and the new NBC America Ninja Warrior show called NBC Spartan where she competed along with our Prinicpal, Ryan Hewitt. She has a passion for the Lord, kids and fitness.

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