Support Our Mission Trip to Guatemala City in March 2017

I am very excited about a ministry opportunity that I feel God is calling us to attend with our school, over Spring 2017 Break to Guatemala with my daughter, Miriah and son, Joey. Last year we had an amazing missions trip to Belize ministering to young children. This year we are venturing on a new mission to minister to a community that our school is sponsoring.
Our Christian school is doing something that no school has ever done before--we have entered into a long term community partnership with Tabitha Ministry, which is a small community outside of Guatemala City. We are being called to be a part of the pilot team to work with the people and children in a very small and specific place. Many of the moms make a living by rummaging through the city dump, selling their 'finds' to make money to feed their children. This ministry, called "Tabitha", helps support this rural community so that children have a safe place to go while their mothers search for items to sell. It is our focus as a team to develop long term relationships with the people of this community, and develop friendships with about 100 children that our school is sponsoring. We'll do this by serving in any way we can to be a blessing to them. We do not go there with an agenda, other than to be the "Light of Jesus" to them.
The 3 of us in our family are seeking ways to raise money to raise the $1600 per person to go on this journey. Not only will the lives of the children and friends we meet in Guatemala be changed but ours as well. I am asking my friends to come along side me and have a vested interest in this journey. I have seen God work in other mission trips and I know He is a God of many resources. We are excited to see the ways in which He will provide the funds to go. It is a joy to me to trust Him to provide exactly what we need. Please prayerfully consider ways you can help take part in this exciting journey.
Ways you can help
1. PRAY The greatest tool is prayer. If you can commit to praying for us and that we will reach the $4800 needed to make this exciting ministry opportunity.
2. GIVE ( Give in any amount from $20, $50, $100, $500, $1000+ Pray about whatever God lays on your heart. Any amount helps
You can put “Himka “ in the name of person you wish to donate to in order for it to be designated to our account balance
3. Request Personal Fitness Training. I am willing to do personal training sessions for your donation to this mission trip. If this interests you or if you know of anyone who would be blessed by this, please call to schedule a date to begin or email me at or call 719-232-2049 . I typically charge $50 per one hour session. I can work for any donation amount that is affordable for someone.
4. MY CHILDREN ARE WILLING TO WORK: ORGANIZING or SHOVELING snow, etc. My daughter Miriah is willing to organize cabinets, rooms, kids rooms for a donation to her mission trip. She typically charges $10-15 dollars an hour and she is amazing. My son is willing to rake leaves, shovel snow, or do misc jobs for a donation to his account as well. Please let us know if we can be a blessing this way
Whether you feel led to contribute financially, through prayer, or both, your partnership, love and support is greatly valued and appreciated.
I'm looking forward to this missions trip and the opportunity to love on the Tabitha community!
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact me at